Turn the handles of your garden tools into measuring rulers. You can convert any large handle tool, such as a hoe, shovel, or rake into a measuring tool. Put the handles down and measure them with a measuring tape. Label the distances using a permanent marker. You will never find yourself looking for a ruler thanks to this simple tip.
In the world of organic horticulture, there are plenty of great resources available to both new and experienced organic gardeners alike. There are many e-guides, books, videos, and other resources available. This set of tips contains some of the best advice for helping a good organic gardener become a great organic gardener.
If powdery mildew appears on your plants, don’t purchase expensive chemical solutions. Combine a bit of liquid soap and some baking soda with water. Spray this onto your plants about once per week or until it subsides. Do not worry about your plants; the baking soda cannot harm them.
When laying sod, it is important that you do it correctly. Before you use sod, you need to prepare the soil. Be sure to get rid of any weeds, and then proceed to break up the soil to get it ready to use. The next step is compacting your soil and carefully leveling it. Water the soil until it is saturated. Lay the sod in rows, and make sure the joints do not overlap. Firm sod until there is an even, flat surface; fill in gaps with soil. For the best results, you need to water the sod every day for a two week period. After this time the sod will have rooted into the soil and can be now walked on.
When winter comes, you can save a few plants by transferring them inside the house. Maybe you could pick out the most expensive plants or the most hardy ones. Carefully dig near the roots and transfer those plants into a flower pot.
Your tool handles can easily be used as handy rulers. Tools with substantial handles, like rakes, hoes and large shovels are great for taking measurements. Place the handles on the floor, then set a measuring tape alongside them. Have a marker handy, and mark the distance with it. Now when you go garden the next time, you’ll have a giant ruler at your command.
When mowing your lawn, be careful not to cut the grass too far down. If you let your grass keep some height after mowing, it will be able to absorb more sun and moisture resulting in a lusher, greener lawn. If the grass is too short, it produces shallow roots and that leads to a lawn with brown spots and dried-out patches.
Use perennials resistant to slugs and snails. If slugs or snails find their favorite perennials in your garden, they’ll snack all night. When you wake up in the morning, there will be very little left of your plants. These pests gravitate to young perennials with smooth, tender, thin leaves. Some perennials aren’t that tasty to snails and slugs since they have tough and hairy leaves, and an unappetizing flavor. Good choices in this category are plants such as achillea, campanula, and euphorbia. Heuchera and helleborus also work well.
One way to correct your soil’s alkalinity is by amending your soil with used coffee grounds. Using coffee grounds is a less expensive way to make your soil more acidic than trying to replace your topsoil. The greens and vegetables need the proper balance and will grow bigger and stronger with the right mix.
Use biennials and annuals to beautify your flower beds. You can use biennial and annual flowers to brighten the bed, and let you change how it looks. You can also use these flowers to fill gaps between shrubs or perennials. Some excellent choices include rudbeckia, hollyhock, sunflower, cosmos, petunia and marigold.
A great garden starts from the seeds and not from the plants. This is a more sustainable way to start a garden. Packaging materials for many plants utilize plastics that are not recyclable, so avoid these containers and choose instead to sow your garden with seeds or utilize organic pots.
Organic Garden
If you are planning on growing peas, begin the plantings inside instead of outside. If you were to plant them inside first, the seeds should germinate better. They will also be stronger, and better equipped to resist disease and insects. When your plants are sturdy, move them outdoors.
The tips laid out in this article should help you gain an understanding of what goes into making a successful organic garden. Keep learning more tricks and start practicing with a few plants. If you keep this information in mind, you should be able to grow a great organic garden in no time.
Know the perfect time to harvest the vegetables in your garden. Each type of vegetables has its own ideal time for picking for the best flavor. Some vegetables, such as zucchini and baby peas, should be harvested when they are relatively young. Tomatoes, however, should be plucked from the vine the moment they appear ripe. So, learn about the ideal harvest time for your vegetables.